So, What Makes us Different?
The best answer to that question is….EVERYTHING
We Understand The Market!
What annoys you about most real estate websites? Lets be honest, They suck! You browse around for 15 minutes looking for a home on a poorly designed map, then click on a pin, the site takes you off to the listing, your not interested, hit the back button and start over! WHAT…WHY!. It took you 15 minutes to scan through that map, find your area, then focus in on the property you thought you wanted, and now the map reloaded and your starting over, so you shake your head and say i don’t have time for this and close the screen. Good by customer.
Our team have been in the web design and coding industry for roughly 15 years but never really took a hard look at real estate. A couple years ago two of our team members where looking for a home, and where astounded at how hard it was to navigate most brokers websites to find a home that matched their criteria in an area they wanted. Long story short eventually they did find their house, but they never did settle in and decided it wasn’t the place for them. They decided to sell, they called an agent (Valerie Sampson of RE/MAX Park Place…Highly Recommended!) and almost the first thing they discussed was not the house, but how bad most websites in this industry are.
The light bulb went off. Our company has all the skills to design and maintain great real estate sites, we just weren’t making them, we didn’t have a client that seen our vision in how the process should work.

What We Want When Using a Real Estate Website

Ease of use
Scan a neighborhood in seconds, find the homes that match your criteria and look at each, save the ones you’re interested in.
Come back any time and look at the homes you favorited, see if anything changed, and when you make a decision quickly be able to get in touch with who we need to and buy our new dream home.
Mobile Friendly
Now i’m not just talking “make it fit on a mobile”. The experience on mobile should be as easy to use and intuitive as the desktop. If i’m out for a drive and see a home I like thats for sale, I want to open my phone, goto my brokers website and be taken directly where I am on the map and be able to click the home I just seen.
I don’t want to look at a sign, figure out whos selling it, goto there site and spend the next 20 minutes of my life trying to figure out the price on that house.
Internet users want instant gratification.
What We Provide: I open YOUR site, the map scrolls to me instantly, the property I am driving by is right there, and I can get the information on that home in 15 seconds. Quick and EASY!
I’m going to keep returning to your site until I’m off the market!

Follow Me
Go for a drive, and use the map like a GPS and see listings as you pass them.
Couples LOVE this feature!, They can go for a drive looking for their dream home, the passenger can keep an eye on the map and they can drive around areas they would love to move to, and see live on the map homes that are for sale.
While still in “follow me” mode, click on a home, see all the details, see the images of the house, and even send a email enquiry to you asking questions about the listing without ever needing to search for anything. They are the search.
We find this feature is even used by people not in the market right now, to look at their future! It keeps people on your site and engaged. When they finally do decide to buy, your a click away!
We know most people don’t know what that is, so let us explain.
When I browse your map, and I click a home. Most real estate sites will then take me to that listings page. Makes Sense Right? WRONG!….The Problem is I was just curious about that listing but am still shopping around. I have now lost my place on the map and need to start over.
Do you know how annoying that is for a buyer?
When I click I want to see the information quickly, I want to know if it matches all my criteria. Maybe I just want to see if the cupboards in the kitchen are Brown or white. By making every click I make, put me back to the starting line I’m less likely to click properties and in turn more likely to leave your site without finding a home or contacting you!

Sales & Tax History
Empower your users. Give them all the information they need to be informed and get the best possible deal, at the best possible price. Users want to know this data, and if you are in a market that allows it and don’t provide it, you will be left behind.
Did you know recently TREB lost a Supreme Court bid to appeal release of real estate sold figures
Toronto Real Estate Board wanted to prevent members from releasing home sale prices and lost. The data is out there, Clients want to see it and are going to goto sites where they feel most informed.
Let’s Be Honest
You can be the best real estate salesperson in the world, but you can’t sell anything until you get the lead!
The Real Estate Market is Changing. Don’t Be Left Behind!
And we know your Clients!
We are EXPERTS when it comes to SEO. We will get the clients visiting your site. And best of all once we get them browsing on a site we created we average an extremely low bounce rate and industry leading Time per visit.
In a nutshell we keep people on YOUR site with easy to use and fun to play with interactive real estate maps.
We get you the leads, we get them engaged, You close them.
Hows that for a 1, 2, 3 combo!

Get users sharing YOUR listings!
We integrate your site with open graph. Basically that’s what facebook, Instagram and other social systems use to pull information from your site when a user shares a listing.
So if a user shares a listing, or one of your agent do, the information, url and image are passed along to get that share noticed!
Every user is a potential advertising machine!

Contact Branux
Have a Question? Fill out the form below!
No Problem
is to big or small
We look forward to hearing from you!
(902) 417-1299
Toll Free:
(866) 327-2689
Business Hours: 9AM–6PM – M-F